LBC Children's Ministries
In our student ministries at LBC, our goal is to raise up disciples who are prepared to engage the world with the good news of the Gospel of Jesus and make disciples! That starts with building a firm foundation on biblical truth, and our children's ministries are focused on providing a fun and engaging opportunity to do just that!
LBC offers three classes for children based on their age during our Sunday School time:
1st and 2nd Grade
3 through 5th Grade
Each of these groups is tailored to provide fun opportunities for our students to engage with scriptural truth!
Our awesome team of volunteers works hard each Sunday to serve our students , help them develop a relationship with Jesus, and equip them to grow and live out their faith!
LBC offers nursery for both services for the youngest of our visitors and church family.
Students attending nursery have the opportunity to play games, build, read, and make art while being supervised by screened adult volunteers.
Our awesome team of nursery volunteers serves to help make church a fun experience for the children who join us on Sunday mornings!
On Wednesday nights, following dinner, we offer two classes for our students to learn about Jesus and the good news that the Bible teaches us!
Students are split up based on age into a pre-K-K class and an elementary class.
From 6:30 - 7:30, students participate in games, crafts, lessons and other creative ways to help them learn about our God, His love for them, our Savior Jesus, His good news, and how He has called us to live!
LBC offers a variety of children's events during the year.
Throughout the year, we plan a series of what we call "family outings." We plan fun trips and activities for our families to enjoy fellowship one another and spend quality time with their children.
Every summer, we put together a Vacation Bible School for one week, during which our awesome volunteers serve with our students and students in our community to point them to Jesus!
Our Fall Fest is a lot of fun, too!